Solaya Restaurant & Lounge Muhammad Ali Junah St. 2, Amman +962 799735222



Our Chefs insist to cook using the sous vide method. Sous vide means “under vacuum” in French, and it usually refers to the process of vacuum-sealing food in a bag, then cooking it to a specific temperature in a water bath. This allows controlled temperature cooking levels to enhance textures, flavors and tenderness. The original weight, flavor, natural color and aroma of the food are also not lost and meat is tender and moist while vegetables keep their crunch and color. This method of cooking creates results that are quite impossible to achieve through any other way of cooking. Due to the temperatures reached, harmful bacteria can’t grow, and at around 60ºc, most will get destroyed after just a few hours, making decontamination possible. In addition, due to the enhanced flavors, little or no additional salt or fat is used, and the vitamins and minerals are not lost during the process. This precision in controlling the temperature means it actually has the potential to be safer than traditional cooking methods such as boiling or steaming.


The steaks we typically eat are fresh, red and full of moisture, which make them juicy. However, dry-aged beef, aged before serving, regulates the level of moisture and bacteria with in the meat. Dry-aged beef takes from 7 to 120 days, but most commonly the steak is dry-aged for 30 days. This method allows the moisture to get drawn out which makes the meat beefier and tangier. Moreover, the aging process causes the meat to darken and dry due to the natural break down of enzymes in the meat tissues, which creates more tenderness and brings out the flavors. Once a crust of fungus (the crust is removed while serving) grows outside the meat, it also adds tenderization and produces a corn-like flavor. Usually the flavor best described is a mix of buttered popcorn and a rare roast beef.


Our coffee essence, handmade and freshly brewed by our talented Chef, comes from simply distilling brewed coffee to make a concentrated form of liquid coffee. The essence is sprayed on any of the dishes, to enhance the taste buds. This is used on our desserts food or drinks to enjoy a fragrant flavoring experience.